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Residential Substance Abuse Treatment

Chalkboard writing - impossibleSeven Challenges, our proposed Residential Substance Use treatment program, will assess each individual presenting for treatment within seventy-two (72) business hours of first contact.  The assessment will be conducted by either the LCSW or the case manager, signed off by the LCSW and a final recommendation based on the assessment will be provided to the placing agency for their approval for the program and services.

A child may be placed with us on an emergency basis pending assessment for the substance abuse program; and that assessment will also be completed within the same above mentioned time frame.  We will offer a step down program to be used to transition a youth back into their home community if they had been placed out of county for substance use treatment.  Having the Seven Challenges conducted by Hillcrest staff allows for smooth transitions for all degrees of substance use; from our first time offenders program offered through our SATI program to a more structured Intensive Out-patient modality, to residential treatment.  Hillcrest can effectively treat the substance use no matter the degree of need because of our experience and wide range of treatment modalities.

After the first contact, either by phone or email (to a general mailbox monitored by several staff members), a trained staff member will conduct the detailed assessment of the potential participant and make the determination if the program can meet the needs of the individual.  All of the information gathered will be protected under federal confidentiality guidelines addressing alcohol and drug records and submitted in accordance to service standards.

Referrals can be made by either pre-placement via telephone, emergency placement by the Police Department or Department of Children Services, by Juvenile Court or by KidsTraks.  Hillcrest will comply with all aspects of the DCS service standard set for providing Behavioral Health Services in a Residential Setting.

Service demographics – Eligibility

Ages 12-18, both males and females who are wards of the court or DCS that display substance abuse/use disorders.  There are no geographic limitations; however, the majority of all placed youth are from the Southwestern portion of the State.  Children placed in our residential program should be able to tend to their own basic physical and hygienic needs with minimal prompting, able to live in a residence with peers, and free of communicable diseases unless previously/actively treated and past the contagious phase(s).  Minimum IQ should be equal to or greater than 70.

Ineligible For Service

  • Primary diagnosis of mental retardation or developmental disability
  • Dangerous to self or others
  • In need of a more or less structured environment
  • In need of medical clearance due to medical condition or drugs or alcohol
  • Sexually Maladaptive Behaviors

Please contact us for more information.