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Emergency Shelter

sad-silhouetteEmergency Shelter services are available at Hillcrest for both male and female children ages 10 through 21 years who are in need of immediate shelter and are unable to return home. Our Emergency Shelter is staffed 24 hours a day by staff whose first priority is to assist children with basic needs such as: food, sleep and personal hygiene in an atmosphere that allows the child to feel safe and secure.

Children may be brought to the Emergency Shelter by local law enforcement officials, the Department of Child Services, case managers and court personnel, or a placing agency. Children who are dangerous to themselves or others, in need of medical services for physical, psychiatric or detox from drug and alcohol usage are not eligible to utilize Emergency Shelter services at Hillcrest until medically cleared.

Children stay in Emergency Shelter only until a more permanent living arrangement can be secured by the placing agency and approved by the courts. The average length of stay in Emergency Shelter for a child is four to five days, depending on the child’s needs.

Once a child is placed in Emergency Shelter, a Hillcrest Admissions Coordinator develops an initial treatment plan. The plan is then discussed with the treatment team to determine the immediate needs of the child and the plan for treatment.

Children may be discharged from Emergency Shelter services due to the following reasons:

  • the child is no longer in need of shelter
  • adequate placement has been found by a placing agency
  • the child is being admitted to a residential services facility
  • the child either leaves the shelter without permission
  • the child is not compliant with the program guidelines

For more information about Emergency Shelter services, please contact us.